Atonement Culture by Dr Rory Shiner
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This episode, Atonement Culture, is one of three expositions presented by Dr Rory Shiner at the Ridley College's Annual Preachers' Conference: Set Apart - Preaching from Leviticus, held on 23 - 24 April 2024.
This episode, Atonement Culture, is one of three expositions presented by Dr Rory Shiner at the Ridley College's Annual Preachers' Conference: Set Apart - Preaching from Leviticus, held on 23 - 24 April 2024.
The conference featured Dr Rory Shiner (Providence Church, Perth) and Revd Dr Katy Smith (SMBC), who spoke on theological themes in Leviticus.
Ridley Preachers’ Conferences aim to encourage us in our leadership and ministry by focussing on skills for preaching. This is an opportunity for pastors, campus workers, clergy, and missionaries to be refreshed as they learn and nurture relationships with other Gospel workers from around Melbourne and Australia.
To watch all episodes of this conference, you can visit our VOD page here:
Available episodes:
Exposition 1: Purity Culture
Exposition 2: Atonement Culture
Exposition 3: Feasting Culture
Exposition 2: Atonement Culture
Exposition 3: Feasting Culture
Lecture 1: Why Preach Leviticus
Lecture 2: Women and Leviticus
Lecture 2: Women and Leviticus
Interview with Dr Lindsay Wilson
Sermon: Why Preach Holiness
Sermon: Why Preach Holiness
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