Why we disagree on the Bible: Andy Judd’s new book

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Welcome to the new season of the Ridley College Podcast in 2024 
In 2024, we are pleased to be expanding our podcast with more regular episodes and a broader range of conversations. Here, you’ll find Public Lectures, stories from our students and faculty, and insights from leading experts on the Bible, theology and ministry.  

Episode Description
In this episode, our deputy principals, Mike Bird and Andy Judd, chat about Andy's recently published research, Playing with Scripture, which explores how the Bible can be authoritative and relevant given how often we disagree on what it means.
Their wide-ranging conversation goes deep into nerdy German philosophers, debates about the Bible and slavery, hermeneutics, genre and more.

Check out Andy's Book
Playing with Scripture: Reading Contested Biblical Texts with Gadamer and Genre Theory
By Andrew Judd

Ridley Chapel Podcast
Be sure to check out our Ridley Chapel Sermons Podcast through this link: https://ridleychapel.transistor.fm/

This podcast is made possible through the generous donations of our alumni and supporters. We welcome your partnership with us in our mission of equipping men and women for God’s mission in our rapidly changing and increasingly complex world. If you’d like to contribute to our work, you can donate by clicking this link if you wish to donate: https://www.ridley.edu.au/donate/

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Why we disagree on the Bible: Andy Judd’s new book
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